How big is diablo immortal on mobile
How big is diablo immortal on mobile

how big is diablo immortal on mobile

Before we get really stuck into the details of this game, should we have an overview of what’s been going on generally in the mobile RPG market because that’s where Diablo sits? As a franchise, it’s one of these seminal RPG games on PC, but how does it fit in terms of what we’ve seen with other mobile games up to this point? The success of RPGs Not many mobile games, I think, have generated as much interest just by their announcement, let alone the ongoing development. By the sound of things, I think there’s a lot to talk about regarding Diablo Immortal. Jon: Well, I think we’ll get a problem shutting up today. It’s been a while for me as well, but yes. It’s been a while, actually, since I’ve been on the podcast. Welcome, Erno Kiiski and Willhelm Voutilainen, from GameRefinery. That game is Diablo Immortal, and we have two experts in the scene to discuss that in great detail. I think it’s the first time we’ve ever done an episode specifically about one game. I’m your host John Jordan, and today we have a special episode. This is the podcast all about what makes great mobile games, what is and isn’t working for mobile game designers, and all the latest trends. Thanks for tuning in for another episode.

how big is diablo immortal on mobile

Jon Jordan: Hello, and welcome to the Mobile GameDev Playbook. Developing Diablo Immortal for a Chinese audience.Diablo Immortal’s monetization model and controversy.How Diablo Immortal fits into the Diablo franchise.We discuss the franchise’s background, what separates Diablo Immortal from its predecessors, the player experience, the monetization controversies surrounding the game, and whether they are justified. – If yo u enjoy the episode, remember to hit subscribe! Spotify, BuzzSprout, TuneInRadio, iHeartRadio In this special episode of the Mobile GameDev Playbook, our host Jon Jordan discusses the popular but controversial game Diablo Immortal with Erno Kiiski and Wilhelm Voutilainen, Chief Game Analysts at GameRefinery, a Liftoff Company.

How big is diablo immortal on mobile